Imagine being able to swim up to the edge of your very own poolside bar, where you are able to take a sip from a cool drink or maybe even a cocktail?
Of course, a pool is a great place to exercise and to keep fit. However, one of the many advantages of having your own pool is that you can entertain and socialise as well. Pools are a good way to relax, have fun and enjoy life after a busy day.
Installing a swim-up poolside bar is possible with a wide range of different pools.
In the design, you can include a countertop or work surface together with some barstools and a shaded area or structure when you and your family or friends can take time out. The countertops can be all different shapes and sizes, for example straight, curved or oblong.
In fact, why not have the countertop made from beautiful natural stone? Quercy Bleu are not only pool specialists but we have a special stone carving machine too. With our specialist team of three fulltime stonemasons, anything is possible!
Stools are a key consideration too. Think about the height and the number of the stools, fixed permanently to the pool floor. The top of the stool is below the waterline and needs to be close enough to the pool ledge to sit comfortably.
If you would like to find out more about poolside or swim-up bars or any other projects, please get in touch.
Quercy Bleu is the only number you will need for a successful swimming pool project or the installation of your hot tub/tennis court, renovation of old pools, masonry work and restoration of old buildings … We will deal with everything… project management, construction and more. Quercy Bleu is also a general building company.
Our address is Paret Neuve 82150 Roquecor. Call 05 63 95 22 21. E-mail: or visit our website:
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